Habit #25: Broken Compass

52 Habits to Change My Life

Rebecca Scott
4 min readAug 16, 2023

A while back I found a broken compass. The dial inside of it doesn’t turn unless you shake it. It’s not spinning in circles. It is stuck.

It got me thinking.

What’s the purpose of a broken compass?

I should throw it out because it doesn’t work. I haven’t because what if…

What if I can fix it? (not likely). What if it can be a real life metaphor that I can physically hold as a reminder? (That is more likely).

For years, I have been like a buoy in the ocean being pushed and tossed around yet never going anywhere because of my fears that others will tell me I am chasing a pipe dream that will never happen. I do the research, I buy some tools (hoping it doesn’t turn into another “this will change my life” idea with a 6-week life span).

Be Realistic

Be realistic. Starting a blog won’t replace your income. Be realistic you can’t start a distillery. Be realistic you can’t start a side income. Be realistic you have to work for someone else. Be realistic you need a full time job before you can build your own business. Be realistic you can’t. Just keep following the same path of the last 10-years. (No! That is not working!)

A broken compass doesn’t care about being right. It is willing to take risks that somehow it will point in the right direction for whoever is following it. (If you actually lost it won’t help.)…



Rebecca Scott
Rebecca Scott

Written by Rebecca Scott

A Canadian East Coast girl. Working towards my Crazy Aunt Mug while sharing my journey and life lessons.

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