Let’s Talk.

Your Mental Health Matters

Rebecca Scott
4 min readJan 26, 2022
Bell Let’s Talk Day

Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022 is today January 26, 2022. It’s one day to recognize that mental health impacts one in three Canadians at some point in their lives.

I am the one in three. I have been a long way down the road of feeling hopeless, worthless, a waste of space, a waste of time, a failure, and a burden. I have know how much it hurts when you feel like you’re just in the way.

I know that feeling of emptiness and drowning. I know what it feels like when it seems like the spare tire to the old trailer is more valuable than you.

I know what it feels like when you realize you are thinking about suicide and you know how you’ll do it.

Bell Let’s Talk Day

I know what it feels like to be told to snap out of it. Guess what. When you have been feeling like you’re worthless and a waste for weeks, you cannot just “snap out of it”.

Say instead: “You haven’t been yourself lately. Take a break if you need to. I’m here if you need to talk.”

Reaching out to someone who you think is having a hard time is not intruding. It’s showing them you are there and you can see them.

You don’t need to have the right words to say. All you need say is “You haven’t been to be your normal self lately. I’m here if you need me.” Or “I know you’ve been having a hard time lately because of _______. If you need to just talk something out, you can talk to me.”

Find more information on how to help here:

I’m not a medical professional. I am a normal human who just wants to be seen and feel like I belong. I know someone saying anything along the lines of “I see you” is powerful.

This Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022 and every day of the year. Let’s support each other. No one is a failure. No one is worthless. No one is a waste of space. No one is a burden.

Let’s recognize and help others. Hold a door open. Treat the human behind the counter or phone helping you as a human not a robot.

Don’t make fun of mental health supports and addiction services.

Don’t make fun of people who do an activity like running, yoga, or play a sport for their mental health just as much as they are doing it for exercise.

Don’t make fun of people who listen to meditations or have a calming activity. Support them. And find something for you to do to support your mental and physical health.

Don’t make fun of mental health and physical health habits and supports because the person who needs them is probably nearby and your comment could create doubt in them. You could unintentionally push them away from the very thing they need.

Bell Let’s Talk Day

We all have issues and we all have bad days. That’s part of being alive. If those bad days are turning into weeks. Find the strength inside of you to speak up for help. I’ve been there. I know how hard it is to ask.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It’s the exact opposite. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

If you need help here are some resources:

If you are starting to think about suicide or harming yourself, you are suicidal or you are worried about someone. There is help available to you:

  • Call 911 or go to your local hospital
  • Call 1–833–456–4566 (Crisis Services Canada)

You are not a failure. You are not a waste. You are not worthless. Everything is not your fault. You are not your negative thoughts and labels.

You belong here.

You are alive. You are unique.

You are amazing. You are worthy. You are loved.



Rebecca Scott

I’m a Labrador lover, keep it simple activist, and a Canadian East Coast girl just trying to earn my Crazy Aunt Mug.