To My 3 Biggest Fears

Rebecca Scott
4 min readFeb 13, 2021

It’s time we moved on. Letter 2 of 3.

Dear My Fear of Vulnerability,

Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

I am writing this letter to you, My Fear of Vulnerability, because I have a few things to say to you.

I have a lot of dreams and ideas. Even though they keep coming back to me like a mosquito at night, I keep many of my ideas inside of me. But you have trained me to be afraid of the opinions of someone I trust. Are they going to shoot it down? According to you, they might because two weeks ago they said X that is slightly or directly related to it.

Just because that person is ahead of me in life doesn’t mean my dream is not worthy of an attempt. Because they might not have ever seen that opportunity, or they have said no to that opportunity because it will not benefit their life.

Yes, their advice is valuable. It is worth my time to ask questions. I can no longer stay quiet about my idea because they — according to you — might say no.

The simplest thing I have always wanted was to fit in. So I followed your advice, Vulnerability to follow the crowd. Don’t make waves.

Yes, in elementary school, I was bullied. But unlike what you have told me, Vulnerability, that doesn’t mean I have to be quiet the rest of my life. Yes, I became afraid of speaking my ideas because I had speech issues. I…



Rebecca Scott

I’m a student of life, Canadian East Coast girl just trying to earn my Crazy Aunt Mug and share my journey to where I am going.