What I Learned on GrowthDay In March.

Rebecca Scott
6 min readApr 2, 2021
Photo by Pete Nuij on Unsplash

The theme for GrowthDay last month was Focus and Discipline. Both of those skills play parts in our lives every day with every choice we make.

“Focus is getting a book to read. Discipline is reading that book.” — Gloria Atanmo

Gloria Atanmo started her coaching call by explaining that focus comes after discipline. Discipline is the action to achieve what we want to focus on. If you want to read a book you have to read it. Not just buy it and do nothing else.

Focus is the choice, discipline is the action.

It does not matter if you place focus first or discipline first because focus is the choice while discipline is the action. What matters is recognizing your time is finite and both focus and discipline work together.

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

Know What You Want To Do.

~ Discussed by Lisa Bilyeu and Dave Hollis.

You have to know what you want to do to have focus and discipline. Lisa Bilyeu and Dave Hollis both spent time explaining why is it important for you to know what you want to do (and not to do).



Rebecca Scott

I’m a student of life, Canadian East Coast girl just trying to earn my Crazy Aunt Mug and share my journey to where I am going.